Tuesday 24 May 2016

Long time, no see..

Ok, so anyone at university knows that assignments at deadlines at the end of the academic year, completely consumes your life and devours your soul until you're nothing but a shell of your former self. I'm not even exaggerating, I wish I was. So it didn't really leave me much time for blog posts or any other enjoyable activities.
I get super stressed during deadline season, which has a knock on effect on good ol' Fibromyalgia. I do plan on doing a post about Fibromyalgia soon, I just need to find the right time because writing about it upsets me quite a bit, so I should probably do it on a day when I'm already feeling crappy.
I also have a few blog posts about Makeup Revolution products, which I've been meaning to post for the last month or so, but I'll try and stagger them out a bit. I also picked up a few (a lot) essence products, as well as some foundations. I think I should stop buying things, but after my all my assignments were finished my mind was all like 'Treat Yo'self' (I miss Parks and Rec so much).
Oh and lastly, I got myself a proper DSLR (2nd hand) camera, I did have a small stockpile of pictures though, so the next few blog posts are using my old, somewhat blurry camera. It may take me some time to adjust so please bear with me while I figure it out. I'm also going to Boston in July, so I'll try and keep you all updated on my travels! This feels so weird writing to an unknown entity, alas I hope you're all doing well.